the project

Remarkable Women Who Move the World is a feminist arts project focussing on the lived experiences of women working in the public transport sector globally. We tell stories of how women overcome misogyny and exploitation every day to keep the world moving, while organising for change at the local, national and international levels.

Women transport workers move the world, and we are proud to be part of a project that helps empower some of those remarkable women and their unions, creating visibility around the challenges women face in urban mobility.

Our project is rooted in the labour movement and the proud history of women organising into trade unions to improve their lives and wider society. We work with unions in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Uganda and beyond to tell these inspiring stories.

Remarkable Women Who Move the World is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), an agency of the German federal government, as part of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI). It belongs to the TUMI programme Women Mobilize Women and delivered by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

Since 2019, when the first edition was published, 165 people from 47 different countries have been featured!

The publication gives awardees a forum to share their perspectives on their work, visions and inclusive, sustainable transport to inspire a truly diverse generation of changemakers.
Together with ITF, we are proud to add numerous stories of women transport workers to this series, collected throughout 2024. Check out previous editions .

I have got a lot from boda boda riding. It has helped me pay school fees for my child, to look after my well-being and my home.

Boda boda rider, Uganda