Browse or search through the Remarkable Women Who Move the World’s stories from across focus countries and understand why the voices of women working in frontline transport are key to building urban transport policies.
In Her Words: Instructed
When I arrived, there were 40 other women. Everyone wanted
The job. We had to be committed to the struggle, they said.
We began to drive, and the prejudices started. Our hardships
Had nowhere to go. Each one wanted to harm me
More than the other. It was 55 degrees. We had to carry extra
Water, but the toilets were unsafe. I did everything the way
They wanted. Our superiors were promoted, while we navigated
Unsafe despite. It was 55 degrees. My hopes and desires became
The single wish to have the AC fixed. It was 55 degrees. At the end,
Out of 40, I was the only one left.
We’ve been outside for too long so this could rise, that you
Would not go through what we went through. To build a union,
And say “I’m here for you” and really be. To say: Thank
God I have you by my side. In this work, no one can hold
A grudge. We must speak loud and clear and ask:
Where is your heart this hour? I’m proud to wear this uniform.
I’m proud to say to anyone that I’m mechanic, driver, collector.
This whole landscape is a testament to our strength.
Poem composed by Dylan McNulty-Holmes, drawn from the words of remarkable women brought together by this project